Console Audio BLADE-3s provide audio I/O and DSP mix engine functions for WheatNet-IP control surfaces through the network switch. Unique to Wheatstone’s console engine approach is its true IP connectivity. The control surface connects directly into the network switch itself, giving it access to mix engine functions as well as direct access to automation systems, network applications and other control surfaces that make true system interoperability possible. The IP88CB Console Audio BLADE-3 comes standard with L-8, L-12, E-1, IP-12 and IP-16 control surfaces. A single Console Audio BLADE-3 is all that is needed for some studio operations, but busy studios often require an additional I/O BLADE-3 or Wheatstone’s newer 2RU model. At double the I/O, the new 2RU CB-32 Console Audio BLADE-3 comes with 8 AES inputs, 8 stereo analog inputs, 8 AES outputs, and 8 stereo analog outputs on StudioHub+ RJ45s, plus 4 mic level inputs with gain trim and switchable phantom power on XLRs. 1RU Console Audio BLADE-3s are also available for the same control surfaces, and come with standard I/O (4 AES inputs, 4 stereo analog inputs, 4 AES outputs, 4 stereo analog outputs, and 2 mic level inputs).