Arrive FacePoint®1151-NUC - Compact Codec Control Processor Appliance that fixes behind any flat panel display.
Integrated System for small sized huddle collaboration room environments.
- Intel i7 NUC - Standard Intel Product - factory loaded and locked down to work as an appliance.
- Includes Arrive FacePoint Edition software application and license for integration with any touch screen display via USB.
- Universal soft video codec capability. Run Microsoft Skype-for-Business
- Virtual Desktop (VDI) Ready.
-Standard EULA and Limited Hardware Warranty Ver. EULA-SLHW-0101-15 with exclusions stated in warranty terms and conditions.
- Includes AFP-CFS-1 Initial 12 month service support as per terms and conditiions. Note : Device serial number and end customer details required for registration of the support contract.
Additional Requirements:
• Pre-configured and tested Arrive One-Point Server - purchased and provisioned separately for robust network connectivity between wired and wireless devices.
• Arrive MediaBridge for wired HDMI capture if required - purchased separately
• Arrive ControlBridge USB-Serial Port Expansion Module if required - purchased separately
Note - Integrates with Arrive EM Server Software & Microsoft Exchange / Office 365 for reflecting pre-scheduled sessions.
Integrates seamlessly with additional additional AV Hybrid Mic Mixers and USB peripherals for a extremely thin installation footprint.