DMX2PC is a universal dimmer for ohmic, inductive and capacitive ballasts like incandescent lamps over energy-saving lamps to LEDs. The control input is an DMX512 interface, out¬puts are four dimmed channels with isolation between control input and dimmed power output. The DMX2PC supports trailing and leading edge dimming, provides various test modes and dimming for all types of fixtures. The DMX2PC is totally flexible with high power output and a broad range of input voltages.
Four outputs with up to 570W/VA and 2.5A per channel
Leading and trailing edge phase-cut
Low power dissipation
DMX512 control input for four channels
Runs ohmic, inductive and capacitive loads
Mounting on DIN profile rail
Fanless operation
Various test modes for installation and maintenance
Spec Sheet available - Yes
Operating Temperature (Maximum):
113 F
Operating Temperature (Minimum):
32 F
DC Voltage:
35 Volts
2.32 in
90 in
8.52 in
Product Weight:
1.70 lbs
Regulatory Compliance:
Supply Power for Load:
48 to 230Vac, 45 to 65Hz
13 A (maximum)
Power Output:
570W/VA per channel, maximum 2.5A
Minimal Load:
1 W (ohmic)
Power Dissipation:
4.7W (full load), 0.4W (standby)
Load Types:
Ohmic, capacitive, inductive
Dimming type:
Leading/trailing edge
Supply Power for Control:
24Vdc, maximum 40mA
Emergency control:
12 to 35 VDC
Overload Protection Temperature:
85 °C (shortage circuit and overload)