Stream Your Programs over the Internet
TelVue CloudCast is a hosted broadcasting solution that distributes your video over the Internet to multiple screens, without taxing your organization’s bandwidth.
TelVue CloudCast can help you reach new audiences, whether they are using smartphones, computers, or large-screen cable- and/or Internet-connected Set Top Boxes. TelVue CloudCast handles both live and VOD programming, with a player that adapts to both SD and HD.
TelVue CloudCast integrates with an embeddable player for both live and VOD Internet delivery that integrates right into your own website. The player bolsters your organization’s branding with logo placement, color palette selection, and click-through banner rotations. With TelVue CloudCast, you don’t need to constantly update your website to include videos. Simply integrate the TelVue CloudCast player link or embed the player on your website, then upload and manage videos through our easy-to-use Content Management System.
The TelVue CloudCast player is equipped with powerful features like: HD and SD compatibility, enhanced navigation for video chapter support, keyword search to easily find specific video content, banner ad management and hosted or hyperlinked files to name a few.
If you already have a TelVue Princeton® Series server in your facility, you can tightly integrate the server’s broadcast quality, MPEG-2 content files with TelVue CloudCast via TelVue® Turbo™ Workflow Accelerator (for VOD), or TelVue® TeleCast™ (for Live).
Whether you are looking to stream your channel or events live, launch a VOD service, or replace an over-priced video content archive solution, call now to learn more about TelVue CloudCast, or contact
- Viewable Via Roku Set Top Box
- Same Application For Live Streaming or VOD
- Flash or H.264 Video
- Brandable Media Player
- 100 GB Of Online Storage
- Supports Video Chapters
- Unlimited Simultaneous Viewers
- Cloud Hosted Content & Playout
- Banner Ad Space With Manager
- Multiple Bandwidth Plans Available
- Supports Hosted or Hyperlinked File Attachments
- Supports Multiple Channels Per Account
- Video "Sharing" Features: Embed Code and Unique URL
- Facebook and Twitter Integration
- One-Click Player Resizing