UltraLED DMX color RGB bar 5mm LEDS - 1 meter w/384 x 5mm Leds, 25 degree, 110-240vAC, DM. This is a dynamic UltraLED Series Color Bar, which can segment into 8 sections. It can be used for Stage effects, mobile DJs and DJ booths, night clubs or back wall color fills. The 5mm LEDS provide a medium power light source. The user can operate the unit "stand-alone" with built-in programs or connect to any standard DMX controller directly for easy controlling.
- RGB color mixing with intensity, chase and strobe effects
- 384 bright 5mm LEDs: 128 red, 128 green, 128 blue
- Long Life LED light source
- Controllable as one bar segment, two bar segments or eight bar segments
- Operating modes: DMX, Static Color, Color Changing, Color Fading, Auto Run, Sound Active, Master/Slave
- Floor standing with side brackets or hanging
- Beam angle: approx. 30 degrees
- DMX512 using 3,5,8,14,24,26 channels maximum
- DMX input/output via 3 pin XLR
- Menu with display for all settings