The Engage algorithm deals with three-dimensional sound reproduction in headphones. Input 5.0 mixes purposed for cinema, DVD or audio only (e.g. DTS and DVD-audio), and achieve an engaging surround reproduction using ordinary headphones. The five Input channels are positioned as a "L, C, R, LS, RS" (5.0-mix) in the headphones, and delivers optimum surround results for in-flight entertainment, web, games, or headphone optimized tracks for MiniDisc and CD. After having finished a 5.1 music or film mix, you can now deliver optimum surround results for those of your listeners using headphones. A Binaural version needing only the extra production and approval time it takes to do one real-time transfer. From flight entertainment, over webcontent and games to headphone optimized tracks on ordinary MiniDiscs and CDs.