Simultaneous Interpretation Software Module set up the simultaneous interpretation channels, interpreter booth(s) and booth management. Simultaneous interpretation channel setup. Set the channel count and language for each channel and save into the database. Set language and its abbreviation. Send the configuration to the Congress Main Unit for synchronization. Display Congress Main Unit configuration on the window. Set up interpreter booth(s). Set the count of interpreter booth, and save into database. Set the outgoing for channel A, B and C of each booth. Set the auto-relay booths for each interpreter booth. Send configuration to the Congress Main Unit for synchronization. Booth management: synchronously control and communicate with the booth during the meeting, monitor booth state and SI channel state.
The first digital infrared wireless conference system in the world
Original dirATC -- digital infrared Audio Transmitting and Control technologies
Wireless system, easy to set up and to remove
Perfect sound quality as CD from the microphone
Microphone sensitivity and EQ can be adjusted individually
Isolated audio recording function for simultaneous interpretation (1+7 channels)