The FM41 is a microprocessor controlled, automatic switching, five-channel mixer. The four microphone inputs are XLRF-type balanced, with 48-volt phantom power available on pins 2 and 3. The Aux input is an RCA jack accepting auxiliary-level input from sources such as tape decks and VCRs. There is no signal processing of the Aux input. The mixer output is XLRM-type balanced, non-inverting.
Four automatic Mic/Line inputs, plus Aux in
Automatic threshold setting
48V phantom power individually selectable for each channel
Limiters on each mic channel prevent individual channel overload
Balanced inputs and output
Selectable Mic/Line-level
XLR inputs can be switched between mic and line signals
Sub-D connector for TTL output
Closure-control input for external
Control of each channel
NOMA operation provided, can be turned on/off
Daisy-chain capability for additional FMX41s, allowing more mic inputs