Audio Scope is a dual-trace digital oscilloscope, that runs at the audio sampling rate of the device, 48kHz. As such, it is well suited to observe lower frequency audio waveforms, but will not show much detail above approximately 8000 Hz. Samples mode is the normal scope mode, where time is on the X-axis, and level is on the Y-axis. X-Y mode uses the left channel for the vertical axis magnitude, and the right channel for the horizontal channel magnitude.
- You can select the digital gain to be applied to both input channels by using the Gain picker in the lower left-hand corner of the screen
- Choose from 1X to 128X gain. Signals that clip will be shown as pressed against the top or bottom of the display
- Select the time axis by using the ms/div picker in the lower right-hand corner of the screen
- Selecting 1ms/div will show 10ms of time across the screen
- Select the input source on the setup page
- You select Left, Right, Sum (adds the inputs), or Difference (subtracts the right channel from the left channel), the scope will be in single-channel mode (one green line)
- Left and right will put the scope into dual-channel mode, where the right channel trace is shown in yellow