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AV Software : Software : SpectraCal Sales, Inc. - CalMAN Home Enthusiast
SpectraCal Sales, Inc. - CalMAN Home Enthusiast
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Home Theater Calibration Software

Model: CalMAN Home Enthusiast

  • Achieve precise color-accuracy by calibrating both your native display settings and loading color-correction tables into your video processor
  • 3D LUTs are a feature of CalMAN® Home Enthusiast and select video processor models from Lumagen
  • Same video processors can additionally be used as pattern generators for display calibrations
  • CalMAN® Home Enthusiast offer the acclaimed AutoCal™ feature, which adjusts your display settings automatically from within CalMAN
  • Supported Panasonic, Sharp, or JVC display, you can forget about your TV remote and TV calibrate each display setting with just the click of a button
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Product Info
CalMAN®'s user interface is designed to walk home theater calibrators through each step of display optimization, so you can learn the calibration process hands-on in real-time as you actually calibrate your display. CalMAN Home Enthusiast also provides a number of workflow options, so new users can see the step-by-step instructions while familiar users can access a Quick Analysis workflow.
  • Achieve precise color-accuracy by calibrating both your native display settings and loading color-correction tables into your video processor
  • 3D LUTs are a feature of CalMAN® Home Enthusiast and select video processor models from Lumagen
  • Same video processors can additionally be used as pattern generators for display calibrations
  • CalMAN® Home Enthusiast offer the acclaimed AutoCal™ feature, which adjusts your display settings automatically from within CalMAN
  • Supported Panasonic, Sharp, or JVC display, you can forget about your TV remote and TV calibrate each display setting with just the click of a button
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