Management and allocation of device resources
Manage REACH recording and streaming devices in a centralized manner. This function supports the configuration, operation, and maintenance of the device and allocate device resources by classrooms. In addition, it supports the manual control of recording and the configuration of recording schedule.
User management
Manage all kinds of users in the organization, including teachers, students, administrators, and IT personnel. This function assigns different system privileges to different users and supports data synchronization among Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) users.
File editing
Enables users to edit files through servers, so that users are not required to download files to the local for editing and upload the edited file for release.
File management and release
Manages files by types and assigns different access rights to different users. This function enables users to release files to the platform of the media center and to learning management systems such as Moodle and BlackBoard. In addition, this system supports RSS for release notifications. The files are accessible from windows PC, MAC computer, and mobile devices.
Portal function
Provide users with a portal page, allowing users to access their own resources through a unified interface. The portal page supports the content management system (CMS) so that schools can customize the portal page as needed.
Workflow management
Supports the scheduled recording, server-based file editing, and different file release modes (direct release or release after the verification of the Course Manager).The workflow is simple and adjustable as needed.
Integration with the LMS/CMS
Supports LDAP and the Single Sign On. Reach is the building block partner of BlackBoard and integrates seamlessly with LMS/CMS systems including BlackBoard and Moodle.
Data statistics
Display the statistics about on-line users, streaming users, and video playing rates.