IP is coming to live production - but every operation has different implementation requirements. Some want to go fully IP now; others will want to adopt it progressively over the coming months and years as their business dictates.
That’s why SAM has introduced the fully IP-enabled Kahuna IP switcher range - Kahuna 6400-IP and Kahuna 9600-IP, and has also introduced the ability to replace individual SDI input or output fi ns on standard Kahuna systems with IP fins, enabling users to transition to IP at a rate which suits their developing needs. In this way, your Kahuna can be pure SDI, hybrid SDI/IP in any combination or pure IP -the choice is yours.
The Kahuna range is the most versatile, feature-rich production switching solution on the market, ideally suited to a wide range of applications including news, sports, light entertainment, HoW, education/conference, simultaneously supporting every standard from SD to HD and 4K. The addition of IP capability enables customers to maximize their ROI with Kahuna, extending its productive life way into the future.
IP-enabled Kahunas support interoperability with both uncompressed SMPTE 2022-6 and lightly compressed VC-2. Integrating Kahuna with SAM’s other IP-enabled products, including modular infrastructure and routers, delivers a complete, all-encompassing live production environment that supports both SDI and IP.