2RU frame with 32x32 HD-BNC I/O and 4 AUX I/O ports. . Supports most common SMPTE 259M, 292M, 344M, and 424M (support for most common SMPTE 2082 signals is included with optional 12G Ultrispeed license). Ultrimix audio, Ultriclean video clean switch, and Ultrispeed licenses included. Ultriscape Multiviewer heads use 2 outputs on the frame. Ultrimix allows for routing, mixing, and processing of all embedded audio inputs, as well as the ability to support up to 256x256 discrete mono audio inputs through the use of the AUX I/O ports. Ultrispeed upgrades allows for switching of signals from 270Mb/s to 12Gb/s (SMPTE 2082-1) on every I/O of the frame. SFP's for the AUX I/O ports sold separately.