The TSI-100 is a stream identifier which monitors and signal a remote device when an incorrect transport stream or no transport stream is present. This signal may be used to control other devices or to signal the fault. The TSI-100 is ideally suited for use in remote television broadcast translators to mute or power off the re-transmitter when the main broadcast goes off the air. It may also be used in a cable head-end for the same purpose. As a member of the openGear family, the TSI-100 shares a common control interface, known as DashBoard, with a broad array of other products. Card configuration can be uploaded to a PC. This configuration can be used to reconfigure a card back to a known state or to quickly clone the card setup into other cards.
Signals a remote device
Alarm when an incorrect transport stream or no transport stream is present
Simple setup
Two GPIOs provide both normally open and normally closed signaling
Unattended operation
SNMP capable for monitoring with 3rd-party systems