The TES9 multifunction HD/SD-SDI VANC processor available in single and dual channel models, provides unrivaled flexibility and features. The TES9 is suited for applications such as: Metadata processing Closed-Captioning, Broadcast Flag control Interactive TV data carriage. Its highly versatile dual-video-path architecture makes possible advanced TV data control functions such as encoding , insertion and processing.
SDI VANC and HD-SDI VANC processing
Multiple packets per line maximizing throughput
Multiple-line VANC encoding/insertion at multi-megabit rates
Ability to locate incoming VANC packets by DID/ SDID, regardless of their line number
Ability to add packets to those in a line, or replace them
Deletion of specified packets and/or lines
Support for very high-speed streams, by inserting multiple packets with the same DID/ SDID combination per line
Simultaneous use for data input or output of LAN, RS232, and modem
API compatibility with applications developed on the Ross Video TES3/ 5/ 7 platforms
Field loadable firmware modules to support a broad range of present and future applications