The RSA-7806 is dual-channel audio distribution amplifier for installations where remote control of audio gain is required. The RSA-7806 provides an exceptionally high degree of signal transparency. It will provide virtually flawless performance in any television, radio or recording studio application. Special design precautions have been taken to ensure that the amplifier is perfectly stable under all load and rack wiring conditions. The amplifier also provides exceptionally good rejection of ground loop hum and other common-mode interference. The companion remote panel, model ARP-7805 sold separately, provides 12 single-channel controls on a one rack unit panel. Alternatively, the amplifier may be easily controlled by a customer-supplied 10K potentiometer. Normal control range is +/-20 dB. A wide range of +30 to -65 dB is jumper-selectable. Tracking of the gain control between amplifiers is excellent, an important consideration if the application makes it desirable to operate two amplifiers from one remote control. The amplifier also has local gain controls which can be easily enabled.
Remote control of gain
+/-20 dB and +30 to -65 dB gain ranges
Two independent amplifiers
Summing mode
Extremely flat response
3 outputs per channel
Excellent common-mode rejection
Very low distortion
Output test points
5-year transferable warranty
An alternative to the Leitch ARG-880 (mono only)
Fits Ross 7800 series and Leitch 880 series frames