The CDP-100 monitors captioning CDPs in a SMPTE 292 signal for compliance to the SMPTE 334 standard. It reports and logs any variances from the standard. The card can either run continuously and log errors, or stop when it encounters an error. When stopping on an error it can stop immediately or it can stop so that the capture buffer is centered on the error. The product keeps track of when errors occur. Errors can be set to be handled as errors, as warning or to be ignored. Monitoring can be done as an overlay on the video and/or through the Dashboard* interface. Use at media ingest to help reject poorly captioned content Catching subtle caption errors before they cause problems further down the broadcast chain Isolating issues with broadcast equipment and providing a detailed analysis which can be passed on to the manufacturer Use by manufacturers to prove compliance with the captioning standards.
Analyze captioning distribution packets
Reports and logs any variances from the SMPTE 334 standard
Continuous and stop-on-error operation modes
On-screen, Dashboard, and PC-based display and analysis
Cost effective single-slot card for use in openGear frames
Automatically adapts to standard HD video formats
Remote setup using Dashboard software via an Ethernet connection
On-board firmware can be updated remotely through the frame's Ethernet connection