The ACID H200 is a full HD 1080P, 3 imager camera that utilizes the very latest 2/3-inch UAIT CMOS sensors that provide unrivaled performance of the very highest quality. Sensitivity, Signal to Noise and overall picture resolution are unmatched by any competitor with its three 2.6 Mega Pixel image sensors and standard 2/3-inch B4 lens mount. This camera is the perfect fit with Ross Robotics Furio and CamBot systems.
The solution from Ross consists of a proprietary full bandwidth color signal that is output from Ross ACID UCHR cameras. ACID Cameras provide standard SMPTE 4:2:2 video outputs as well as adding a new, unique output called UltraChromeHR This output signal contains full bandwidth color information in a patent pending 0:4:4 coding format from the camera image sensors. This signal contains full bandwidth color information. The standard 4:2:2 and UltraChromeHR outputs are received by the Carbonite UltraChromeHR chroma keying system and internally combined to create beautiful keys from the resultant 4:4:4 signals, an so offer unprecedented performance when used as Chroma Key sources for virtual productions.
However, even if you don’t use chroma keys, Ross ACID cameras produce spectacular video images in normal studio production. The ACID Cameras are full featured cameras that capture the very highest quality images. They can be equipped with viewfinders, output adaptors, and all the accessories necessary for full studio usage; and of course fit incredibly well with Ross robotic systems.