The Model 701 Dual Channel Power Amplifier card represents state-of-the-art design work. Each card is designed to incorporate features demanded by some of industries most notable design/consulting firms. The quality and workmanship of these products will not be surpassed anywhere. These power amplifiers will work well in such applications as: boardroom speakers, meeting room speakers, diarama speakers, talk-thru speakers, or low watttage sound reinforcement speakers. The Model 701 is ideally suited to mix-minus applications. The Model 701 incorporates two discrete audio power amplifier channels. Each channel will deliver 4 watts RMS into a 4 or 8 ohm load. (For applications requiring more power, see Models 861A, 883A, & 884A.) Each channel has a balanced transformer isolated 10K ohm input. The gain of each channel is adjustable via a trimpot mounted on the front of the printed circuit board assembly. The gain range on each channel is specifically tailored to low wattage applications. In addition to the gain trimpots, each channel has a builtin mute circuit. By applying ground to the appropriate barrier terminal pin, each channel may be muted.
- Two Discrete 4 Watt Channels
- Transformer Isolated Inputs
- Individual Gain Adjustments
- Built-In Mute Per Channel