Fiber network troubleshooting – Used with an OTDR, (Optical Time Domain Reflectometer) a break in a fiber run can be detected within a few feet. The launch box provides a known length of cable. The events that show on the OTDR screen will indicate every connector, every splice, and any microbend with the last event being the end of the cable
Design your Launch Box your way
All fiber types and connector types are available
Tester Format - Standalone Component (Box)
Box-1 Dimensions:
20.9 x 12.9 x 8.4 inch
Box-2 Dimensions:
16.9 x 9.9 x 6.5 inch
Box-3 Dimensions:
8.5 x 6 x 3 inch
Input Signal Types:
Single mode, Multimode(62.5/125, 50/125)