The Fish Tailz™ Pull Sock Kit is an ultra convenient assortment of eight different expandable, flexible mesh pull socks for pulling bundled or non-bundled wire and cable up to 2" in diameter. Each mesh sock is made of our proprietary, flexible, expandable and contractible tight weave monofilament mesh. Similar to a “Chinese finger trap,” these socks easily slide onto cable bundles yet provide a super strong grip on the cable when pulled with tension. In each sock, the mesh is fused to an ultra strong bull nose at one end with a cross-hole to allow you to connect your mesh sock to a pull line without taping.
1/8" dia. (accommodates single RG6 or equivalent)
1/4" dia. (accommodates double RG6 coax or equivalent)
3/8" dia. (accommodates four RG6 coax or equivalent)
1/2" dia. (accommodates six RG6 coax or equivalent)
3/4" dia. (accommodates nine RG6 coax or equivalent)
1" dia. (accommodates 14 RG6 coax or equivalent)
1-1/4" dia. (accommodates 20 RG6 coax or equivalent)
1-1/2" dia. (accommodates 30 RG6 coax or equivalent)