Jensen output transformers allow manufacturers to guarantee trouble free operation of their products when customers incorporate them into complex audio systems. Transformer coupled outputs work equally well driving balanced or un-balanced inputs and do not suffer from the stability problems encountered when connecting active balanced integrated circuit line drivers to un-balanced inputs with long cables. This transformer is designed for ultra-high performance line output stages. Specially processed 80% nickel core alloy is used for lowest possible harmonic distortion of high level low frequency signals. For best performance, driving signals should be free of DC and source impedance kept as low as possible.
Distortion 0.004% type at 20Hz and +4dBu output level
Wide bandwidth of -3dB at 0.10Hz and 15MHz
Drives 600ohm loads to levels up to +22dBu at 20Hz
Excellent time domain performance of DLP 0.3 degree type 20Hz to 20kHz
Insertion loss only 1.1dB when driving 600ohm load
Audio Transformer Type - Line Transformer
Spec Sheet available - Yes
Operating Temperature (Maximum):
158 F
Operating Temperature (Minimum):
32 F
Maximum Bandwidth:
15 MHz (-3dB)
Impedance Ratio:
Input Impedance:
680 ohm (20Hz to 20kHz, 0dBu, test circuit 3)
Voltage Gain:
-1.1 dB (1kHz, 0dBu, test circuit 1, Rs=0 ohm)
Magnitude response, ref 1 kHz:
-0.02 (20Hz, 0dBu, test circuit 1, Rs=0 ohm) and +/-0.00 (20kHz, 0dBu, test circuit 1, Rs=0 ohm) dB
Deviation from linear phase (DLP):
+0.3/-0 degree (20Hz to 20kHz, +4dBu, test circuit 1, Rs=0 ohm)
0.10Hz (LF -3dB re 1kHz, test circuit 1, Rs=0ohm) and 15MHz (HF -3 dB re 1kHz, test circuit 1, Rs=0ohm)
Distortion (THD):
<0.001 (1kHz, +4dBu, test circuit 1, Rs=0 ohm) and 0.004 % (20Hz, +4dBu, test circuit 1, Rs=0 ohm)
Maximum Output Level:
+22 dBu (20Hz 1% THD, test circuit 1, Rs=0 ohm)
Common-mode rejection ratio (CMRR):
110 (60Hz, test circuit 2) and 85 (3kHz, test circuit 2) dB
Output Impedance:
80 ohm (20Hz to 20kHz, 0dBu, test circuit 4)
DC Resistance:
40 ohm each winding
28nF winding to winding at 1kHz and 70pF winding to frame at 1kHz
Turns Ratio:
Breakdown Voltage:
250 (winding to winding) and 500 (winding to frame) Vrms