Uncompressed embedded SDI recorder with built-in time code generator. Removable or interchangeable recording media with DC-power recorder. Random access to files. Clip segment playback. Gen_lockable. User friendly digital pro amp controls. Built-in time code generator. Simultaneous digital and analog video out. Time code LCD monitor. Video pro amp LCD monitor. Audio level LCD monitor. Accepts tape input with time base error. Pass VIR, VIT and telex. NTSC or PAL DVD master copy archive. Nice signal for up-converter. Digital color encoder/decoder. Component I/O (optional). SDI mux/demux (optional). RGB I/O (optional). Remote control RS422 and GPI.
Removable or interchangeable recording media with DC-power recorder
Random access to files
Clip segment playback
User friendly digital pro amp controls
Built-in time code generator
Simultaneous digital and analog video out
Time code LCD monitor
Video pro amp LCD monitor
Audio level LCD monitor
Accepts tape input with time base error
Pass VIR, VIT and telex
NTSC or PAL DVD master copy archive
Nice signal for up-converter
Digital color encoder/decoder
Component I/O (optional)
SDI mux/demux (optional)
RGB I/O (optional)
Remote control RS422 and GPI
Spec Sheet available - Yes
Operating Temperature (Maximum):
104 F
Operating Temperature (Minimum):
50 F
18 in
3.50 in
19 in
24 bit video SMPTE259M, audio AES/EBU
Recording Time:
From 20 minutes to 10 hours
Residual Jitter:
Less than 600 ps
Digital Pro Amp:
Video level more than ±3dB, chroma level more than ±3dB, chroma phase more than ±15°, setup level more than ±15 IRE