Vuze™ table location system for fast casual. Reduce congestion, deliver food faster and fresher. Hand customers guest tag at counter and Vuze's unique technology does the rest, notifying staff exactly where to deliver each order. Guests are free to sit and relax without worrying about missing their order. Reduces congestion, maintains consistent food quality and ensures calm, satisfying experience for guests.
No more wasting time searching for guests or calling out names in noisy dining rooms. Vuze is compatible with most kitchen display systems, or can be used as a stand-alone flow management system. It's easy to set up reference points throughout the restaurant (tables, drink dispensers, trash bins, exterior doors), and use Vuze's advanced reports to build and improve customer flow models.
- Simple, easy-to-use
- Exact customer location
- Customer-friendly experience
- Stand-alone or integrated system
- Water-resistant reference tags