LogiConverter is a general purpose control interface that eliminates the incompatibility between various audio and video equipment remote control circuits. LogiConverter has 4 opto-isolated inputs that control 4 isolated relay outputs. The unit can be programmed to provide either latched or momentary outputs from either continuous or momentary inputs with up to 24 combinations possible. A single input can provide single or dual flip-flop outputs, two inputs can latch and reset an output. Logic modes are selected by front-panel switches, LEDs indicate the output status of the four logic channels. Inputs can be any DC voltage from 5-24Vdc, TTL or CMOS logic outputs, open collectors, or contact closures. Inputs are via a 15-pin D connector, relay outputs are via plug-in euroblock connectors. LogiConverter is 1/3 rack width and can be mounted in an optional rack shelf, or wall mounted with optional wall/cabinet mounting brackets. LogiConverter is powered by an internal AC power supply.
- Control interface that eliminates incompatibility between various audio and video equipment remote control circuits
- 4 opto-isolated inputs that control 4 isolated relay outputs
- Unit can be programmed to provide either latched or momentary outputs from either continuous or momentary inputs
- Logic modes are selected by front-panel switches
- Powered by an internal AC power supply