Polaris™ Live from Harmonic is a PC-based application that enhances manual control of Harmonic Spectrum™ media server and ChannelPort™ integrated channel playout systems by consolidating complex functions into simple buttons on a touchscreen user interface. The interface may be as simple or as sophisticated as an operator requires, and provides effortless control of the on-air playout chain.
Polaris Live leverages the power of Spectrum ChannelPort to offer an ideal solution for live control environments that need on-demand playout capabilities. The user-defined GUI offers an intuitive approach to managing clips and audio, switching between live sources, mixing clips and live sources, and adding video and audio effects, DVE moves and squeezebacks, and multi-layer graphics. The result is a simplified approach to achieving high-quality, sophisticated on-air looks generated with a minimal number of single-function devices - and fewer operators than previously possible.
- Flexible, user-defined, on-air control and monitoring via touchscreen
- Intuitive control of Spectrum ChannelPort and best-of-breed third-party devices
- Simplify repetitive tasks and complex workflows
- Combine multiple simultaneous events on a single button for accurate, reliable playback
- Ideal for multi-channel and multiple-operator environments