The LX-453U is a microprocessor-based SMPTE / EBU Time Code display. The unit reads in both forward and reverse direction. The LX-453U reads 1/15 to 3x play-speed. The unit features a .56 in. high yellow LED display and comes standard in a rugged black powder-coated aluminum desk-top case. The unit displays Hours and Minutes and Seconds and Frames or may be switched to display User Bit digits. If the ESE Time Code Output option is ordered -- a rear-mounted DB-9 connector will provide access to the TC89(TM) output of Hours and Minutes and Seconds. Up to 100 slave units may be driven -- up to 4000 ft. away. If the RS-232 Output option is ordered -- the Hours and Minutes and Seconds and Frames and User Bits and Flag bits are output once-per-frame using ESE Format C on the rear-mounted DB-9 connector.
Reads SMPTE & EBU Time Codes
Reads Time and User Bits
.56" Yellow LED display
Bi-Directional reading, 1/20 to 10x play-speed
Error Bypass & Error Indicator
Drop-Frame mode indicator
"Hold" control
Optional ESE or ASCII Time Code outputs
220-240 VAC (110-120 VAC is standard) & UL options available
Product Options:
ESE---ESE Time Code Output: An ESE Time Code output is provided allowing the unit to drive ESE Time Code Slaves.
J---220 VAC/50 Hz Operation: The unit is configured to operate from 220 VAC line voltage. 117 VAC 50/60 Hz is standard.
RS---RS-232C Output: Computer Interface allows the time code data to be shared with a computer. RS-422A may be specified.
TZ---Time Zone Offset: Internal DIP switch allows the hours (and half-hour) to be independently offset to any time zone
UL---"UL" Approved Power Supply: The unit is supplied with a UL/CSA approved wall mount power supply.