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Ensemble Designs - BENXT-450

BrightEye Compact Router with H.264 Encoder/Decoder and Up/Down/Cross Conversion

Model: BENXT-450

  • Router for 3G, HD and SD SDI and HDMI Video
  • Built in high quality, high profile MPEG Encoder/Decoder
  • Built in dual up/down/cross converters
  • Dissolve and cut transitions
  • Direct take mode
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High Quality, High Profile MPEG Encoder/Decoder: 
The BrightEye NXT 450 compact router with MPEG encoder/decoder integrates a powerful set of features alongside a built-in high quality, high profile MPEG encoder/decoder. Now it’s possible for users to hook up SDI, HDMI, Fiber or MPEG encoded signals without worrying about timing issues, convert them to a common standard definition or high definition format as simply as selecting a source and pushing the TAKE button, intercut or dissolve them seamlessly to a very high quality MPEG encoder for realtime streaming, while simultaneously sending them to SDI or HDMI destinations. All this in a device the size of a paperback novel.

The BrightEye NXT 450’s encoding functionality produces simultaneous transport streams including one high-resolution and one low-resolution unicast stream, one multicast stream, and a DVB-ASI stream. Sources can be seamlessly routed to the encoder that outputs the various streams to an RJ-45 Ethernet connector on the back of the unit. The DVB-ASI formatter produces a DVB-ASI format stream that can be sent to a BNC or Fiber port for distribution.

The BrightEye NXT 450 also includes an MPEG decoder. Gigabit Ethernet can be received via the RJ-45 connector as either unicast or multicast, MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 decoded to 3G, HD, SD SDI with embedded audio, and can be mixed or intercut with other sources connected to the router. Decoded and encoded video can be seen in realtime and full motion on the LCD display on the front of the unit. The full duplex codec allows simultaneous use of the encoder and decoder.

Convert While You Route: 
The BrightEye NXT 450 allows format conversion to take place while routing signals to destinations. Now, various formats of high definition and standard definition content can be converted to a common format and routed seamlessly to destinations. Standard definition sources can be up converted to high definition as part of the routing process, as well as cross converting from one HD format to another. All you have to do is select a SMPTE standard for a particular destination, and all sources routed to that destination will be converted to that format.

Instantaneous Clean Switching and Mixing: 
The BrightEye NXT 450 compact router with U/D/C conversion and Clean and Quiet Switching cleanly and instantly switches or dissolve...

  • Router for 3G, HD and SD SDI and HDMI Video
  • Built in high quality, high profile MPEG Encoder/Decoder
  • Built in dual up/down/cross converters
  • Dissolve and cut transitions
  • Direct take mode
  • Salvo registers -save/recall from your tablet and computer
  • System wide configuration registers
  • Flexible I/O- you configure BNCs and SFPs as inputs or outputs
  • Clean switching of video and embedded audio
  • Audio level adjustments
  • RS-232 and TCP/IP interfaces- use with any 3rd party device
  • Front panel and web-based control
  • LCD display with realtime full motion video of your sources
  • Safe driving mode
  • Built-in test signal generators
  • Compact and rugged
  • Genlockable and timeable
  • 5-year warranty and free software upgrades forever

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