Source Four Fresnel brings you the soft-focus lighting and sparkle you love, with Source Four quality and efficiency. ETC's Fresnel gives you the high-performance light output and energy savings of a Source Four and the lighting characteristics that only a fresnel optical system can provide. We've combined that classic system with a special ETC dichroic reflector design, enabling the HPL 750W Source Four Fresnel to equal or even surpass the light output of 1000W traditional fresnel fixtures. With the Source Four Fresnel, you choose the lamp wattage that best suits your particular application and energy requirements - from 375W to 575W to 750W lamps. And when you need to re-lamp a Source Four Fresnel, ETC's smart new design makes your work easier than ever. Our innovative socket and access door let you change out the lamp from underneath the fixture without having to break focus saving on work, time and trouble.
1000W performance from a 750W lamp
20° to 65° field-angle range
Convenient zoom adjustment
Convenient full-size zoom adjustment knob
Unique bottom-access socket and access-door for easy lamp changes
Sliding yoke-mount for variable balance point
Fully enclosed accessory slots for no light leakage
Die-cast aluminum construction
Black, and white standard; custom colors available