The offline editing software is powerful tool for working with existing show data or pre-programming building blocks before enter venue or just getting to know a console's operating style. Offline editing tools are available for all ETC consoles. Using the same graphic displays as the Congo console, Congo Offline Editor provides an operating environment identical to the console itself. With a complete set of alphanumeric-keyboard shortcuts for commonly used commands, Congo Offline Editor is a useful tool for managing show data. Congo Offline Editor can also communicate with visualization programs. For maximum performance, we recommend that the visualization software be run on a separate computer. Communication with the visualizer is provided over an Ethernet network and can use either the ETCNet2 or Avab IPX protocols. Output from Congo Offline Editor is done with an infrequent refresh rate, which will cause live fades to appear steppy. Confused by all the offline editor keyboard shortcuts rolling around in your brain? ETC recommends the use of PI Engineering's X-Keys® panel with Congo Offline Editor. X-Keys is a panel of user-definable keys. Provided a file that defines the X-Keys Professional 58-key panel with the Congo hotkey shortcuts most used in offline programming and editing. The X-Keys Professional 58-key panel is very similar to the layout of the Congo keypad, so frequently used functions appear in relative positions between the actual console and the offline editor. Download the macro definition file and a PDF of key labels in the software section for Congo.
Used for working with existing show data or pre-programming building blocks
Provides an operating environment identical to console itself
With complete set of alphanumeric-keyboard shortcuts for commonly used commands