One click solution to launch indoor and outdoor mass notification systems; Easy-to-use GUI with unit or script-based activation
Easy-to-use GUI with unit or script-based activation, including one-click QuickAlerts
Fully redundant MNS Solution that offers multiple points of command and control through web-client GUI
Remotely access GUI from anywhere
Interactive map with geographic unit selection to send alerts and color-coded status of each node in the network and its EOLD (speaker arrays, strobes, display signs)
The integrated base stations, IBS-0330-HD product line, are advanced configurable control systems that upgrade an existing WAVES IBS with WAVES 8 software. It supports a hybrid solution communicating to both 2.4GHz and IP infrastructures with the addition of an IPC-8001. The IBS-0330-HD series provides secure activation of audible, visual and data messages and status monitoring of the MNS. The system can operate as a stand-alone MNS or be integrated with other communication, fire and security systems for improved situational awareness.
One click solution to launch indoor and outdoor mass notification systems; Easy-to-use GUI with unit or script-based activation
Easy-to-use GUI with unit or script-based activation, including one-click QuickAlerts
Fully redundant MNS Solution that offers multiple points of command and control through web-client GUI
Remotely access GUI from anywhere
Interactive map with geographic unit selection to send alerts and color-coded status of each node in the network and its EOLD (speaker arrays, strobes, display signs)
Trouble signals notify operator of equipment degradation or failure
Interoperability with communication, fire and security systems; Advanced API available with full-featured bidirectional interoperability
Closed loop system - supervision and monitoring of the IPC end nodes assures messages are received as sent
Supervised system heart beat - IPC devices continuously send status
Supports highest network security standards and encryption - 256-bit AES
Multiple user roles and privileges; user configuration of alerts; Dynamic and customizable role-based password protected environment
Pre-recorded or live (PTT microphone) messages to any individual or group of audible devices
Remote monitoring reports indicate off normal conditions prior to dispatching service personnel