Classroom style. Lecture hall style. No matter how your training facility is configured, we can provide FullSound. Our ceiling-based systems are ideal for training rooms because they provide optimum audio coverage with very little exposed technology. Need to change your configuration? No problem, FullSound can adapt to your training needs.
FS-03 Teleconference Interface
SP-01 Ceiling Speaker Modules
CM-01 Ceiling Microphone
CTG-PCM Premier
TM-01 Table Top Microphone
TM-02 Implant Microphone
Coverage compatibility for medium sized classroom/training room with movable tables length:
20-25 ft
Coverage compatibility for medium sized classroom/training room with movable tables Width:
18-22 ft
CTG audio components for medium sized classroom/training room with movable tables:
(1) FS-400 Beamforming Mixer,(4) CM-01 Ceiling Microphones,(4) SP-01 Ceiling Speaker Modules
Coverage compatibility for U-shaped training/conference table:
35 x 25 ft