The CS5343/4 uses a third-order, multibit Delta-Sigma modulator followed by digital filtering and decimation, which removes the need for an external anti-alias filter. Furthermore, integrated audio input buffers support passive analog input circuits, which simplifies design and reduces external component costs. Consuming only 36 mW of power, the ICs operate from a single power supply and support voltages from 3.3 V to 5 V and incorporate a unique input architecture which provides a very high input impedance of 7.5 M ?. They differ only in serial audio interface format support, with the CS5343 supporting the I²S format and the CS5344 supporting left-justified serial data format.
The CS5343/4 is available in a very small, space-saving 10-pin TSSOP (3 mm X 3 mm) package and is ideal for audio systems requiring wide dynamic range, negligible distortion and low noise, such as set-top boxes, DVD-karaoke players, DVD recorders, A/V receivers, effects processors and automotive applications.