Chimera’s Professional Panel Kits provide a time-tested method of lighting through and reflecting off of Chimera’s top quality fabrics. The ample variety of fabric combinations and frame sizes will exceed many of your lighting needs. All panel kits come complete in a tough ballistic cloth duffle for convenient carrying. Pro Panel Kits include White/Black and ½ Grid Cloth panel fabrics in five frame sizes. Cameo Kits have a 42” x 42” frame supplied with three panel fabrics, the Chimera Cloth, White/Black, and Silver Gold Zebra/Soft White; plus two 2-1/2” Grip Heads. High Def / ENG Kits contain two 48” x 48” frames and six panel fabrics – ½ and ¼ Grid Cloths, White/Black, Silver Gold Zebra/Soft White, Single Scrim Bobbinette and a Double Scrim Bobbinette; plus two #5090 frame connectors.