Media Portal gives users easy access to the media assets held in a MediaStar System. It is a simple web page created in Media Manager and made available to user’s devices. Portal pages can access Re-Broadcast Streams, Live Streams or iVOD content represented as selectable icons for playback on iOS, Android, Mac and PC platforms. On-screen controls allow the users to pause, play or seek through the media as required.
Portal pages can be customised with your own corporate logos and backgrounds. When the page is ready, publishing is a two click process with the page automatically created on Media Manager and available to users.
Images can be used to represent content as familiar icons on Portal pages. This allows users to easily navigate a Portal page and select the content they need. If a graphic icon is not available a default icon representing the type of content will be used.
Once a user has selected content from the Portal page, on-screen controls will be available appropriate to the content. On iOS devices Live Streams can be paused with users able to navigate backwards and forwards. How far back they can rewind is defined on the Live Stream server.
PC users will need to use Internet Explorer to view Portal page content, although it does not need to be the default browser. The first time a user clicks on Portal content an Active-X player will be downloaded from the Media Manager. No other PC installation is required. Mac OS X users are offered a DMG application for installation or for incorporation into a corporate package distribution.
The MediaStar Portal page is licensed on a cost per seat/device basis. Additional licenses can be purchased as required and are cumulative. Please see the options below.