Utility Amplifier is a rugged, compact 1.5-watt amplifier designed to meet the requirements of continuous low-power audio applications. It is ideally suited for telephone line "music-on-hold" amplification. It can also be used to drive monitor speakers, headphones, or as a line amplifier. With accessory transformer Model WMT1A connected to the input, the GA2 will provide amplification for a 600-ohm telephone line. Model GA2 has a high-impedance input that is available at both a phono jack and screw terminals. Only 50mV is required for full output.A choice of 8-ohm or 600-ohm output is provided. Low distortion, wide frequency response, and low hum and noise further contribute to excellent performance. A screwdriver adjustable volume control is provided on the chassis. The amplifier is compact and easily mounted on a wall or in any convenient location. The unit is UL listed.
- Ideal "music-on-hold"/line amplifier
- Only 50 millivolts needed for full output
- UL listed