AE-OPT-341 provides a 12 bit, analog input for the AE Series of process indicator displays. It is available in 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 digit versions with digit sizes ranging from 1-inch high to 12 inch high. It can be programmed to indicate any engineering units over the range of the analog input signal by using the built-in program switches. The 12-bit A/D converter can resolve up to 4 digits.
Suitable for all 2, 3 , 4, 5, and 6 digit AE series displays
Wide range of input signals
12-bit A/D converter
Built-in controls for easy scaling and calibration
Range can be scaled from minus to plus indication
Overrange and Underrange indications
Selectable decimal point and leading zero blanking
Set digits 5 and 6 for degrees C or F indication, or fixed zeroes
Optional master/driver output for multiple display systems