AE-OPT-267 provides tenths and hundredths of seconds for count up elapsed timers. Displays are factory configured in various combinations to display minutes, seconds, tenths of seconds, and hundredths of seconds (MM:SS.TH), depending on the number of digits. For example a 3-digit version could be configured to display seconds and tenths of seconds (SS.T), or seconds, tenths and hundredths of seconds (S.TH). Controls can be located up to 100ft away. In most applications 22 gauge wire is adequate for the signal inputs. Optional built-In controls and external control panels are available.
- Used for counting up elapsed time in hundredths of seconds
- Available with digit heights of 2.3-inch, 4-inch, 8-inch, or 12-inch, and in 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 digit versions
- Located up to 100ft away
- Optional built-in controls and external control panels are available