The DAC8143 is a 12-bit serial-input, daisy-chain digital-to-analog converter. It was designed for multiple serial DAC systems where serial daisy-chaining one DAC after another is greatly simplified. The daisy chain feature saves address-decoding lines enabling simpler logic interfacing in multiple package DAC designs.
The DAC8143 is ideal for data acquisition and process control systems offering the user a wide flexibility in output voltage ranges through choices of external references and output I-to-V converter op amps.
Improved Resistance to ESD
Minimizes address-decoding in multiple DAC systems, three-wire interface for any number of DACs
One data line
One CLK line
One load line
Fast, flexible, microprocessor interfacing in serially controlled systems
Buffered digital output pin for daisy-chaining multiple DACs
-40 to +85°C for the extended industrial temperature range