The ADUC7021 is 12-bit data acquisition systems incorporating high performance multichannel ADCs, 16-bit/32-bit MCUs and Flash/EE memory on a single chip. The ADC consists of up to 12 single-ended inputs.
The DAC outputs are not present, these pins can still be used as additional ADC inputs, giving a maximum of 16 ADC input channels. The ADC can operate in single-ended or differential input modes. The ADC input voltage is 0 V to VREF. A low drift band gap reference, temperature sensor, and voltage comparator complete the ADC peripheral set.
The devices operate from an on-chip oscillator and a PLL generating an internal high frequency clock of 41.78MHz. This clock is routed through a programmable clock divider from which the MCU core clock operating frequency is generated. The microcontroller core is an ARM7TDMI, 16-bit/32-bit RISC machine, which offers up to 41 MIPS peak performance. The ARM7TDMI core views all memory and registers as a single linear array.