The device consists of a low noise amplifier, a high linearity VGA, and a 1/2 W output driver stage. The variable attenuator networks are optimized to provide high linearity performance over the 45 dB gain control range. Gain is set using a unipolar control voltage from 0 to 3.3V. The output stage of the ADL5246 is an externally tuned 1/2 W driver amplifier, which allows the device to be optimized anywhere between the 0.6 to 3 GHz range, with an average tuning bandwidth of 200 MHz wide. An external filter can be used between the VGA and the final driver amplifier. The ADL5246 can be biased between 3.3 and 5V to trade-off between performance and power consumption.
The ADL5246 is fabricated on an advanced GaAs process. The device is available in a 32-lead, RoHS-compliant, 5 x 5 mm LFCSP and thermally rated to operate over the -40 to +105°C temperature range.