The ADG1421/ADG1422/ADG1423 contain two independent single-pole/single-throw (SPST) switches. The ADG1421 and ADG1422 differ only in that the digital control logic is inverted. The ADG1421 switches are turned on with Logic 1 on the appropriate control input, and Logic 0 is required for the ADG1422. The ADG1423 has one switch with digital control logic similar to that of the ADG1421; the logic is inverted on the other switch. The ADG1423 exhibits break-before-make switching action for use in multiplexer applications. Each switch conducts equally well in both directions when on and has an input signal range that extends to the supplies. In the off condition, signal levels up to the supplies are blocked.
24 Ohms maximum on resistance
05 Ohms maximum on resistance flatness
200 mA continuous current
Fully specified at +12 V, ±15 V,±5 V
No VL supply required
3 V logic-compatible inputs
Rail-to-rail operation
10-lead MSOP and 10-lead,
3 mm × 3 mm LFCSP packages
Switcher Type - Audio
Switcher Type - Video
Spec Sheet available - Yes
Spec Sheet available - Yes
Spec Sheet available - Yes
Spec Sheet available - Yes
DC Voltage:
16.50 Volts
ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004^^ ISO/TS 16949^^ OHSAS 1800^^ QML