The ADG1234 is a monolithic iCMOS® analog switch comprising of four independently selectable single pole, double throw (SPDT) switches. All channels exhibit break-before-make switching action preventing momentary shorting when switching channels. An overbar: EN input on the ADG1234 is used to enable or disable the device. When disabled, all channels are switched OFF.
15 pF Off Capacitance
05 pC Charge Injection
33 V Supply Range
120 O on Resistance
Fully Specified at ±15 V/+12 V
3 V Logic Compatible Inputs
Rail-to-rail Operation
Break-before-make Switching Action
16-lead and 20-lead TSSOP and 4 mm × 4 mm LFCSP Packages
Typical Power Consumption (< 003 µW)
Switcher Type - Audio
Switcher Type - Video
Spec Sheet available - Yes
Spec Sheet available - Yes
Spec Sheet available - Yes
Spec Sheet available - Yes
DC Voltage:
16.50 Volts
ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004^^ ISO/TS 16949^^ OHSAS 1800^^ QML