The ADAU1966 is a high performance, single-chip DAC that provides sixteen digital-to-analog converters (DACs) with differential output using the Analog Devices, Inc. patented multi-bit sigma-delta architecture. An SPI/I2C port is included, allowing a microcontroller to adjust volume and many other parameters. The ADAU1966 operates from 2.5 V digital and 3.3V or 5V analog supplies. A linear regulator is included to generate the digital supply voltage from the analog supply voltage. The ADAU1966 is available in an 80-lead LQFP package. The ADAU1966 is designed for low EMI. This consideration is apparent in both the system and circuit design architectures. By using the on-board PLL to derive the master clock from an external LR (Frame) clock, MCLK, or from an external crystal, the ADAU1966 can eliminate the need for a separate high frequency master clock and can also be used with a without a bit clock. The DACs are designed using the latest Analog Devices continuous time architectures to further minimize EMI. By using 2.5 V digital supplies, power consumption is minimized and the digital waveforms are a smaller amplitude, further reducing emissions.
- PLL generated or direct master clock
- Low EMI design
- 118 dB DAC dynamic range and SNR
- ?98 dB THD + N
- 2.5V digital and 3.3V or 5 V analog and IO supply
- 232mW Total Quiescent Power at AVDD=3.3V
- Linear regulator driver to generate digital supply
- Supports 24-bits and 32 kHz to 192 kHz sample rates
- Low-Latency 192kHz sample rate mode
- Differential DAC output
- Log volume control with autoramp function
- Temperature sensor with digital readout +/- 3 degree C accuracy
- SPI and I2C controllable for flexibility
- Software-controllable clickless mute
- Available in Tray and Reel Packaging