The ADA4412-3 is a comprehensive filtering solution designed to give designers the flexibility to easily filter and drive various video signals, including high definition video. Cutoff frequencies of the 6th order video filters range from 9 MHz to 36 MHz. The filters are tuned for RGB, high definition, and standard definition video signals. The ADA4412-3 includes an output offset voltage adjustment feature. Output voltage offset is continuously adjustable over an input-referred range of +/-500 mV by applying a differential voltage to an independent offset control input. The ADA4412-3 can operate on a single +5 V supply as well as +/-5 V supplies. Single-supply operation is ideal in applications where power consumption is critical. The disable feature allows for further power conservation by greatly reducing the supply current when a particular device is not in use. The ADA4412-3 is available in the 20-lead QSOP package and is rated for operation over the industrial temperature range of -40°C to +85°C.