The part is well-suited for half- and full-duplex applications. The digital interface is extremely flexible, allowing simple interfacing to digital back ends that support half- or full-duplex data transfers, often allowing the AD9868 to replace discrete ADC and DAC solutions. Power-saving modes include the ability to reduce power consumption of individual functional blocks or power down unused blocks in half-duplex applications. A serial port interface (SPI) allows software programming of the various functional blocks. An on-chip PLL clock multiplier and synthesizer provide all the required internal clocks, as well as two external clocks, from a single crystal or clock source.
The Tx signal path consists of a 2x/4x low-pass interpolation filter, 10-bit TxDAC, and a line driver. The transmit path signal bandwidth can be as high as 34MHz at an input data rate of 80 MSPS. The TxDAC provides differential current outputs that can be steered directly to an external load or to an internal low distortion current amplifier (IAMP) capable of delivering 17dBm peak signal power. Tx power can be digitally controlled over a 19.5dB range in 0.5dB steps.
The receive path consists of a programmable amplifier (RxPGA), a tunable low-pass filter (LPF), and 10-bit ADC. The low noise RxPGA has a programmable gain range of -12dB to +48dB in 1dB steps. Its input referred noise is less than 3nV for gain settings beyond 36dB. The receive path LPF cutoff frequency can be set over a 15 to 35MHz range or it can be simply bypassed. The 10-bit ADC achieves excellent dynamic performance up to an 80 MSPS span. Both the RxPGA and the ADC offer scalable power consumption allowing power/performance optimization.
The AD9868 provides a highly integrated solution for many broadband modems. It is available in a space-saving package, a 16-lead LFCSP, and is specified over the commercial temperature range (-40 to +85°C).