The AD8134 is a major advancement beyond using discrete op amps for driving differential RGB signals over twisted pair cable. The AD8134 is a triple, low cost differential or single-ended input to differential output driver, and each amplifier has a fixed gain of 2 to compensate for the attenuation of the line termination resistors. The AD8134 is specifically designed for RGB signals but can be used for any type of analog signals or high speed data transmission. The AD8134 is capable of driving either Category 5 (Cat-5) unshielded twisted pair (UTP) cable or differential printed circuit board transmission lines with minimal signal degradation. A unique feature that allows the user to transmit balanced horizontal and vertical video sync signals over the three common-mode channels with minimal electromagnetic interference (EMI) radiation is included on-chip. The AD8134 is available in a 24-lead LFCSP and can operate over the -40°C to +85°C extended industrial temperature range.
Triple high speed differential driver
225 MHz, -3 dB large signal bandwidth
450 MHz, -3 dB small signal bandwidth
Easily drives 1.4 V p-p video signal into doubly terminated 100 Ohm UTP cable
1600 V/ microsecond slew rate
Fixed internal gain of 2
Internal common-mode feedback network
Output balance error -60 dB @ 50 MHz
On-chip sync-on-common-mode circuitry
Output pull-down feature for line isolation
Differential input and output
Differential-to-differential or single-ended-to-differential operation
High isolation between amplifiers: 80 dB @ 10 MHz
Low distortion: 64 dB SFDR @ 10 MHz on 5 V supply, RL,dm=200 Ohm
Low offset: 3 mV typical output-referred on
5 V supply
Low power: 26.5 mA @ 5 V for three drivers and sync circuitry
Wide supply voltage range: +5 V to +/-5 V
Available in space-saving packaging: 4 mm x 4 mm LFCSP