AD8122 is a triple, high-speed, differential receiver and equalizer that compensates for the transmission losses of UTP and coaxial cables up to 300m in length. Various gain stages are summed together to best approximate the inverse frequency response of the cable. Each channel features a high impedance differential input that is ideal for interfacing directly with the cable.
The AD8122 has two control inputs for optimal cable compensation, one LPF control input, an input to select between UTP and coax cable, and an output offset adjust input. The cable compensation inputs are used to compensate for different cable lengths, the Vpeak input controls the amount of high frequency peaking and the voltage gain input adjusts the broadband flat gain, which compensates for the flat cable loss. The filter input controls the cutoff frequency of output lowpass filters on each channel. Selection between UTP and coaxial cable compensation responses is determined by the binary coax/UTP input, which can be left floating in UTP applications. The voltage offset pin allows the dc voltage at the output to be adjusted, which can be useful in dc-coupled systems.