The AD8108/AD8109 are high speed 8 x 8 video crosspoint switch matrices. They offer a –3 dB signal bandwidth greater than 250 MHz and channel switch times of less than 25 ns with 1% settling.
Serial or parallel programming of switch array
Serial data out allows daisy-chaining of multiple 8 x 8 arrays to create larger switch arrays
Output disable allows connection of multiple devices
Low power of 45 mA
Low all hostile crosstalk of -83 dB @ 5 MHz
Switcher Type - Audio
Switcher Type - Video
Spec Sheet available - Yes
Spec Sheet available - Yes
Spec Sheet available - Yes
Spec Sheet available - Yes
DC Voltage:
5 Volts
ISO 9001:2008, ISO 14001:2004^^ ISO/TS 16949^^ OHSAS 1800^^ QML