The MADI channels are transferred from and to 8 ADAT optical inputs and 8 outputs via TOSLINK. Furthermore, the ADI-648 contains an easy-configurable 8-Channel 16x16 Matrix Router. Any of the outputs, which are divided into 8-Channel blocks, can be fed from any 8-Channel input block, both on the ADAT and the MADI side. With this, there is not only free routing within the M-A and the A-M conversion, but also splitting and routing within the same format. An 8-Channel input block can be routed to any number of output blocks in parallel. Using more than one unit, several MADI signals can be combined to one (merging).
The ADI-648 is compatible to all forms of increasing the sample rate (Double Speed). It supplies word clock in single or double speed, distributes 96 kHz signals in Double Wire mode into the MADI data stream, or per Sample Split (S/MUX) to the ADAT ports, but is also capable of double MADI rate (96k Frame). The ADI-648 thus also represents an ideal MADI front-end for the Hammerfall and Hammerfall DSP series.